Christianity and Mass-Delusion - A Dialogue between John and Chaminda

            (The following is a e-mail conversation between John Waters and Chaminda Raigala. Published upon John's request. John's remarks are colored in blue and Chaminda's in brown.)

                                       The Bee man Speaks.. 


 John Says :

Chaminda, your comments on the following excerpt from my recent letter are helpful.  Your writing complements mine so as to help a reader better appreciate the import of my writings - which tends to be sketchy - as the mere silhouette of an avocado tree leaves out the real tree's leafy greenness and its depth in space and the fragrance of the tree's blossoms and it's fatty and proteinaceous delectable fruits!

Excerpt from earlier e-mail of John:

[[Oh and by the way, "Christ The King" came as an eccentric teacher, ranter, sermonizer, whip-brandisher, and prophet of one-ness and brother to brother and sister to sister together-ness but the ancient Romans and their fellow Jews couldn't understand all this fellowship very well - or they just screamed "damnable heresy!"

A bit funny, no - the play on hard-to-cultivate-and-culture "fellow-ship"?

But it's not quite so funny that today in Orange County and in other parts of Los Angeles there are hundreds of so-called "Christian" churches, plus a multitude of bag ladies and other destitute suffering estranged marginalized human brothers and sisters.

Go to

and read the article:
"While homelessness surges in Disneyland's shadow, Anaheim removes bus benches"

>>>====>The Los Angeles Times' news article says:

Begin quote:
"The vanishing benches were Anaheim’s response to complaints about the homeless population around Disneyland.

A survey last year placed the number of those without shelter at 15,300 people, compared with 12,700 two years earlier."
End of quote.

And Jesus the Christ is reported to have said, "The poor ye shall always have" and "By their fruits ye shall know them" and so perhaps this is why many "good Christians" walk on by a homeless camp and some of them even look down on them from atop their high horses and berate the homeless for being unable to rise in the competitive social order in which "the richer get richer and the poor get poorer."]]

Chaminda says:

This encapsulates a whole big story. On one hand the unpreparedness of the society to receive a message which is totally different to their accustomed and relished ways of thinking and action. They will ignore you if they do not fight back. And if you are persisting and adamant in your message you have a chance of getting ‘something’ through to them but possibility is it may not happen within your life time, may be posthumously if you are lucky enough. – this is just an observation from the life of Christ.

Then we come across the inevitable hypocrisy present in the society. They take what they want out of your story and make it another institution of power and greed. And this is a popular game, they are in your name but you are not there.

I have been quite amused by this aspect and written some things about the omni-present deception in human existence. Everyone is prepared to deceive the other one way or the other, deception being the main skill of their repertoire. So you set up a church and preach about helping the poor, sacrificing your self to others while some homeless people flock around your gates to collect few pennies from the comers and goers.

Well, I do not blame the society for this. In my writings I do not talk about getting rid of all deception, destroying it altogether, because it is the very basis of our civilization and our culture and collectivity of humans. It is the work of nature. The nature makes use of deception to provide for its inhabitants. Like a butterfly gets wings with two eye marks to drive away its predators or a flower gets a nice odor and produces nectar to attract the insects and others. But invariably higher wisdom becomes prominent in penetrating these ‘tricks’ of nature. Getting to know all deception around you makes you a free man, the redemption is all about this. So it is a work for the wisdom to conquer.

So we see those big churches accruing more and more money, becoming the richest institutions in town, yet turning a blind eye to the poor and homeless. Yet they stand there in the name of a poor simple man called ‘Christ’ and what a coincidence.

It just brings to mind the essence of your teaching will never penetrate to the mass. Not when you are living and not when you are gone. When you are living you are misunderstood and persecuted by the government and when you are gone it is in the hands of profiteers. Well the world is based on deception, only a few handful of people rise above to see through all the deception present in the world. So this is to be expected.

And this again reminds us of the field of work that we are presented with. It is a place highly biased, highly dominated by ignorance and deceptions and by prejudices. If we need to get through to them, we will need to cater into their realities. The absolute truth or the culmination of truth is a message which is not comprehensible to the ordinary person, therefore we need to go from stages. A stage which is less based on deception than the previous, but still is based on some deception, and an advanced stage which has even less deception at its base etc. etc. The ultimate message of reality is quite a too big a pill to be given at once, so we need to be creative to shape it up as can be swallowed by the normal man.

John says:

Human innovation has produced the developable design for a new at-one-ment society in which human lives have more importance than ever before and children grow up steeped in this new culture of at-one-ment.  Furthermore, the process of innovation is also taught to young people from an early age so that by grade seven they understand quite well the evolution of this new culture from out of the many traditional cultures in power at this turning point time in history.

There have been many prophets of at-one-ment which is also known as one-ness, unitary perception, and universal or cosmic consciousness. Listing these prophets here would take more time than you can shake a stick at.  Your arm would fall off long before you got even a tenth through the list.  But just for example, for a month in an "at-one-ment" class the college-level students could well study the life and work of these modern prophets: Gustav Theodor Fechner, Baha'u'llah, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Meher Baba, Richard Maurice Bucke, Gopi Krishna, Muktananda, Ramana Maharshi, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ammachi, Mother Meera, and Timothy Conway. (Peace BEE unto Them.)

The subject of humanity's (the world's) prophets and prophecies is not yet a department of any college or university that I know of.  "Religious studies" cannot include this study because there have been many prophets who were not recognized as valid by any one of the "great" religions which are the focus of any and all "Religious Studies" departments.  Inspired intuitive human beings are too numerous for any specialty promoted by academia to even begin to encompass.

The new and improved "meaning of human life" is to live and love and play and work at being stewards to other human lives as well as stewards to the other living forms on Earth, creatures such as flowering plants and ferns and other kinds of plants and to the fungi which live symbiotically with their plant-partners, and bees and wasps and spiders and fishes and frogs and millions of other species which if I were to name them all would take the better part of a month or maybe even an entire lifetime.        

In such a global a-one-ness culture caring for the homeless in Los Angeles would be a piece of cake.
But the at-one-ness culture doesn't yet exist "brick and mortar" at any gps location. Verbal descriptions of this new society exist, however, and my prose works help "flesh it out."  Talented college age students - or even younger prodigies - who work at creating virtual reality games can create simulations of the humanitarian culture of human social BEEings, and this computer programming will facilitate other young people joining in the new games and taking a serious interest in this global humanitarian "Aquarian" project.  One might demythologize all the mystical divine talk and just call this the "evolution revolution."

Nature is The One teacher.


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