The Orgone - An old bee-keeper’s tale – by John Waters


Reaching out to younger persons - is the best way to help more and more younger
persons - or younger-at-heart older persons open up to the so-called
"cosmic Christ" that has been given so many different weird names -
"cosmic consciousness" "yogic force" "animal magnetism," "the orgone,"
"the Bright," etc, etc, etc, etc.

 Words form a smoke screen around the candle flame so that the light
and heat of it attracts few moths.

The sense of being in tune with "the big holy" as John Allen Boone
said the Native Americans call "It."  Yet more names for "It."

>>>====> In this article you rather hit on the essential problem - the extreme attachment a lover becomes fixated on his/her beloved mate - teacher - mentor, etc.  This is why, "the teacher is nature" and of course we humans are a part of nature - (but cultures teach humans to think and feel apart from nature.) 

As "well-educated" citizens of the state there is this insulation of ourselves - physically, mentally, and emotionally - apart from nature - the cosmos - the universe - everything.  But in our "dream time" - the times we are not self-conscious and we stay actively engaged with our beloved guru - teacher - lover - partner - or our sheep if we are shepherds or our bees if we are bee-keepers, we are more close to "the one" "Cosmic Christ" which includes everyone and everything.<====<<<
Because humans get so distracted away from nature - the real - reality
- they miss a lot of the truth - the whole truth.  So I would - as a
teacher and as a former beekeeper - help jolt people back to nature's
groove - and grooving in nature.  A lot of my songs –when  I used to sing -
are about some aspect of nature - and celebrate nature and our
symbiosis with nature - like the bees and the flowers and so forth -
evolved these essential symbioses.  Think of the symbiosis between
chlorophyll and hemoglobin - as molecules and as vital essences in
green plants and in humans and other animals.  So with the yogic
masters there is this potential strong link with the modern
"environmental movement."  But I have found that the many modern
"environmentalists" tend to resist any idea of "divinity" and
"the cosmic Christ."  Young minds today tend to be very specialized,
localized, focused, and materialistic - rather than more intellectual
and able to study the varieties of subject matter, the varieties of
human experience, and the big picture.

Young intellectuals accept academia - the traditional school system -
and labor to excel in it - and demonstrate the very dedicated and
intense focus on a small part of the whole, and their complicated
wordiness - their specialized jargon - and their vigilance - reflects
this dedication.  They are very neocortical and vigilant.  Their
intelligence can be reached but only if and when they become motivated
to engage in this "different kind of study."  Different from the basic nature.

Even so, the intellect needs to be strong for the young person to
grasp the magnitude of the worsening modern human problem and as a
weather-man might say, the "deepening human trough - or rain-wrapped
depression."  To calm the storm of negativity humanity needs to find
and cultivate "the cosmic Christ," but not give up on the strong
healthy human intellect.  In my efforts I have been rejected by many
well-meaning "spiritual" persons who - following the pull - the
charisma - of some traditional holy book or some conventional holy
teacher - or perhaps even their mate - their sex partner - they follow
some ancient emotion which works against the modern intellect - and
feel this strong conflict between strong emotions and strong thoughts.

I believe what humanity needs to study and practice is unification
-  harmony - of the primordial piscean, amphibian, and reptilian
pre-conscious "brain stem" intelligence with the emotional mammalian
limbic intelligence and the strong neocortical intellectual H.sapiens
intelligence that can learn to read and write and talk and think in
words like these.  In this brain-integration way the humanity is the
most strong, healthy, and intelligent.  But this means turning away
from the intense focus on "the other significant" human being in your
life - your guru and/or your mate - and your money-making job - and
giving more time and energy towards "all the rest" of the "one-ness."
All of nature is talking to us.  The harmonious newfound balance is
the outcome as we pay attention and listen.

This is quite a piece of meat for the "cultured" modern adult to bite
off and chew.  Putting it more simply, human "culture" needs to pay
significantly more attention to all of "nature" and all of evolved
"human nature."

The aboriginal "cultures" in which "dream time" and "the big holy"
were central - were much closer to the ideal than modern cultures in
which children get their eyes and their brains "reamed out" through
decades of hard book study and smoke balls surround each candle flame
and so many crown chakras get snuffed out.

The post-Enlightenment age English poet William Wordsworth hinted at
the problem - but didn't pursue the subject - when he penned the
"The Tables Turned


Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books;
Or surely you'll grow double:
Up! up! my Friend, and clear your looks;
Why all this toil and trouble?

The sun above the mountain's head,
A freshening lustre mellow
Through all the long green fields has spread,
His first sweet evening yellow.

Books! 'tis a dull and endless strife:
Come, hear the woodland linnet,
How sweet his music! on my life,
There's more of wisdom in it.

And hark! how blithe the throstle sings!
He, too, is no mean preacher:
Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher."

-Alas, however, in this poem Wordsworth goes on to attack and dismiss
the intellect.  To read the whole poem, go to:

My main argument continues to be that "the answer" is in studying
nature - and human nature - while balancing the cultivated strong
faculties of human intelligence: brain stem, limbic system, and

So that harmonious human integration is the peace offering of the
"HIPP" curriculum.  HIPP stands for "Higher Intelligence Peace
Program" or "Human Integration Peace Pedagogy".



  1. Chaminda, your picture is a poem of socialism, yoga, and bee-ing well-dressed in the attire of a warm hive. Also it is a picture of "me" as a white man mostly covered with honeybees which presents an unconventional image-idea of a human bee-ing bee-ing a man in more ways than one including bee-ing one with both nature and man-hood. Note that the brown-ness of the bees covering the white-ness also can refer to the gradual mellowing out of historical and contemporary white pride in light of the immensity of the universality which the subconscious inner humanity is attentive to and attuned to. Let us all as human bee-ings bee-come conscious of our inner human potential and the nature of the ecological biological bee-ing which sustains us all in the fact of our oneness. On the other hand, in realistic practicality I was never so bold as to handle bees without wearing appropriate clothing including bee veil and bee gloves and making sure my trousers were inside of my socks so that bees couldn't crawl up my pants legs and sting the boojeezus out of me. After all in the USA every good Boy Scout learns to bee prepared.


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