
Showing posts from July, 2017


Nonduality is the same as a Christian believer sitting in a pew. Here is how: The Christian believer or religious person usually believes in a little soul inside, let’s say, the heart, which goes to heaven upon death (or hell), and then, in some religions (non-Christianity,) - can even come back again. What does nonduality at first glance say about ‘dat!? It says that such a thing is part (in the nonduality nomenclature), of what is called ‘story,’ and is just an idea in the brain. That the concept of self dies, and what is left is ‘reality’ or ‘life’ and this, though it can’t perhaps be induced through practice, - constitutes ‘awakening,’ or ‘enlightenment.’ Then this condition takes a few years to settle. The seeker is gone because the ‘person’ is gone, and life is just life.    End of ‘story.’ Then, when death occurs, physical death, - it’s ‘not a prob’ because the person has already basically died. There is then, according to all this- the infinite as the infinite

Christianity and Mass-Delusion - A Dialogue between John and Chaminda

                                             (The following is a e-mail conversation between John Waters and Chaminda Raigala. Published upon John's request. John's remarks are colored in blue and Chaminda's in brown. )                                                                                             The Bee man Speaks..                                      John Says : Chaminda, your comments on the following excerpt from my recent letter are helpful.  Your writing complements mine so as to help a reader better appreciate the import of my writings - which tends to be sketchy - as the mere silhouette of an avocado tree leaves out the real tree's leafy greenness and its depth in space and the fragrance of the tree's blossoms and it's fatty and proteinaceous delectable fruits! Excerpt from earlier e-mail of John : [[Oh and by the way, "Christ The King" came as an eccentric teacher, ranter, sermonizer, whip-brandisher, and

From a beginner's mind to the world- A oneness genius' perspective - John Waters

Creative imagination and keen observation work together with strong emotions to create new plans by assembling different musical notes, different words, and other pieces of experience. Out of long periods of creating music and writings of various kinds, all  on a more or less amateur level - in manifestations of  "zen mind, beginner's mind" [ [  "The practice of Zen mind is beginner's mind. The innocence of the first inquiry—what am I ?—is needed throughout Zen practice. The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the possibilities. It is the kind of mind which can see things as they are, which step by step and in a flash can realize the original nature of everything. This practice of Zen mind is found throughout the book." ]]  and during periods of sensing the one-ness in myself that is the same one-ness in nature

The Orgone - An old bee-keeper’s tale – by John Waters

                                       Reaching out to younger persons - is the best way to help more and more younger persons - or younger-at-heart older persons open up to the so-called "cosmic Christ" that has been given so many different weird names - "cosmic consciousness" "yogic force" "animal magnetism," "the orgone," "the Bright," etc, etc, etc, etc.   Words form a smoke screen around the candle flame so that the light and heat of it attracts few moths. The sense of being in tune with "the big holy" as John Allen Boone said the Native Americans call "It."  Yet more names for "It." >>>====> In this article you rather hit on the essential problem - the extreme attachment a lover becomes fixated on his/her beloved mate - teacher - mentor, etc.  This is why, "the teacher is nature" and of course we humans are a part of nature - (but culture